My name is Kassanonkwas.

This a Mohawk name given to me by my parents. It translates to something like gathering fruit and my significant other expects me to always have a variety of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter. This is my first attempt at blogging, so keep that in mind as we go forward.
Hey sports fans- just want to tell you that the Oxford Exchange has cancelled their annual book fair which I expected of course - along with every other public event. Perhaps at another time I can meet you, but for now we must all stay inside and try to keep healthy by washing and disinfecting everything we touch around the house and vehicle. I am making every attempt to keep grounded and be optimistic. It‘s gratifying to see companies stepping up to the plate and manufacture the needed equipment that will assist our doctors and hospitals in the fight against this dreadful virus. I am staying busy with my artistic outlets - mostly painting.
Absolutely Love the website!!!
Your website is looking fantastic. Keep up the great work!
Today, I released "Escape to Alaska," kindle edition. My paperback proof is expected to arrive on Friday, February 21st.hopefully there will be nothing to correct or change (wishful thinking?) and then I can order author copies and you'all will also be able to order one.